Je T’Adore

The deepest ocean floor of you
The darkest secret door of you
The furthest sandy shore of you
This much do I adore of you

It’s not that you’re all perfect
And it’s not that love is blind
It’s just that you’re so worth it
We fit – in heart and mind

I adore you when you’re happy
And when you’re cold as ice
I adore you when you’re angry
And when you’re hot as spice

It’s not that I’m all-caring
And it’s not that love is sweet
It’s just that I’m declaring
We make something complete

The softest hidden core of you
The sharpest raking claw of you
The passion in the roar of you
I adore all this and more of you

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Shooting Star

Your shooting star lights up my sky
You are my what, my who, my why
Your trail is bright, I watch it flare
You are my world, my love, my dare

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Through It All

Worlds may collide –
The sky turn to black
Mountains may crumble
The earth shake beneath your feet
Rivers may dry up
The oceans lash out with tidal waves –
And through it all
I will stand beside you

Others may desert you –
Fair weather friends and fickle family
They may walk away
Turn their backs and harden their hearts
They may change their minds
Break their promises and leave –
But through it all
I will be beside you

Storms may come –
The seasons turn to winter
Rain may fall
The sunshine blotted out to grey
Drought may strike
The soil left parched and cracked –
Yet through it all
I will stay beside you

People may talk –
Wag their poison tongues and frown
They may whisper
Spread their rumours like a plague
They may sow their lies
Tut-tut and shake their disapproving heads –
Still through it all
I will be beside you

We may be apart –
Separated by borders and time zones
Oceans may divide us
Whole continents stand in our way
Walls of belief may rise up
Demarcating your world and mine –
And through it all
I will appear beside you

Sickness may visit –
Weaken your will to rise and shine
Time may grow heavy
Drag down your body and fray your mind
Doubts may linger
Gnawing at our love like a cancer –
But through it all
I will remain beside you

Through all of this and more –
Through shining days and unexpected adventures
Through vivid nights and breath-taking summits
Through blissful moments and beauty discovered
Through passion flights and laughter spilled together –
I will be beside you
Because side by side, for now and always
Is where we belong

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Hard to Say

It’s hard to say ‘I love you’
When words have turned to dust
When searing haze inflames the blaze
And chokes the skies of trust

Yet that’s the very moment –
Despite the silent blight
When all the best is laid to rest –
My love for you burns bright

It’s hard to hug and kiss you
When looks have turned to ice
When every gaze blocks out the rays
Of efforts to be nice

Yet that’s the very moment –
Despite the frosty chill
When mutual faith is like a wraith –
My love enfolds you still

It’s hard to say ‘I’m sorry’
When facing down defeat
When healing ways are like a maze
That’s full of dead-end streets

Yet that’s the very moment –
Despite still feeling sore
When all the pain is spent in vain –
I love you even more

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Villanelle for Justice

She rages against the fading of light,
Making the world less bitter, less dark:
Her moonlit passion shines out in the night.

When shadows are growing to ominous height;
When justice corrodes and leaves acid marks:
She rages against the fading of light.

Each time that she finds a victim in plight,
She looks for a flash of luminous arc:
Her moonlit passion shines out in the night.

When tyrants defend their merciless right;
When gaps still get wider, contrasts more stark:
She rages against the fading of light.

In stormy dark seas where money is might;
Where bankers and landlords feed like a shark:
Her moonlit passion shines out in the night.

Her fire gives me wings, her love gives me flight,
And helps me to face my fears of the dark:
She rages against the fading of light,
Her moonlit passion shines out in the night.

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



We think we know
In fact, we’re sure
We’ve never been so sure before
Our feet are firmly planted
On love’s rock-steady floor.

We think we know
Until we doubt
We let ourselves be turned about
Our level heart gets tilted
And love’s storm turns to drought.

We think we know
Our mind’s hell bent
But in the end we must relent
Our tryst is fated to become
A love ambivalent

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The One
Who resonates
In time and in tune
With the subterranean songs
Of Leonard Cohen
And the transcendent words
Of Ben Okri
Has unearthed and unveiled
The deeply buried gateway
To my beating heart
And the long encrypted cipher
To my flighty soul
In step and in space
That resonates
As One

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Moment of Truth

There comes a moment
An empty, aching moment
When words are hollow
Shapeless and ungainly
Unfit for purpose
When metaphors are tired
Bleached and worn out
Dying on lips unuttered
When rhymes are strained
Wrenched and contorted
Twisting straight talk

It is a moment
A helpless, hopeless moment
When bridges and rivers
Do nothing
To unlock the enigma of time
When flames and flowers
Say nothing
To betray the heart’s deep secrets
When wings and flight
Know nothing
Worthy of the spirit’s journey

In this moment
This broken, naked moment
Music wells up from nowhere
Tremulous and tender
As it rushes into the void
And art explodes from nothing
Luminous and blazing
As it dives into the abyss
Only to be stilled and muted
Dowsed and extinguished
Swallowed by the moment

This is the moment
The white-out, wakeful moment
When all that can be said
Are three simple words
When all that can be felt
Are two hearts beating
When all that can be meant
Is I love you
This is the moment
The moment to live for
The moment of truth

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


The Joining of Hands

Marriage is like the joining of hands …
Each enfolding the other
A comfortable fit
A voluntary embrace
Yet always two hands
Free to let go
Able to individually express

When two hands touch …
Each senses the needs of the other
And responds
To affirm
To compensate
To share:

The firm handshake of agreement
The gentle squeeze of endorsement
The steady grip of assurance
The uplifting gesture of support

The clenched fists of anger
The desperate claws of pain
The wringing clasp of anxiety,
The sweaty palms of guilt

The loving caress of contentment
The erotic brush of passion
The mutual wave of recognition
The silent fingertip touch of deep connection

Marriage is like the joining of hands …
Each enfolding the other
A comfortable fit
A voluntary embrace
Yet always two hands
Free to let go
Able to individually express

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


I Lie Awake

I lie awake and hear your velvet sigh
Across the miles on breaths of midnight air
While blinking stars incant the question why:
Why I am here and you are over there?

I lie awake and see your Cheshire smile
Upon the iridescent wakeful moon
While time is morphed into a melting dial
That tricks and teases like an ancient rune

I lie awake and dream your phantom kiss
Between the sliding doors of mystery
While owls call out to serenade our bliss
And prophesise our echoed history

I lie awake and watch your phosphor glow
Upon the frothing of nocturnal tide
While slumber tussles from the undertow
And whispers: meet me on the other side

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
