Book of Lovers

Upon these pages
Dreams take flight
The words of sages
Shine their light

Seasons turn
Feelings churn
Passions burn
Spirits learn

Between these covers
Seeds take hold
The fields of lovers
Turn to gold

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Brush Strokes

Fragrant flower blooms
In the cracks of grey pavement crowds –
A passing intoxication

Luminous flare bursts
In the swell of black cinema skies –
An accidental touch

Mesmeric song ripples
In the glass of reflective train ponds –
A siren glance

Exotic spice floats
On the lips of swirling cocktail seas –
An innocent kiss

Butterfly caress flits
Across the page of white daydream script –
A love fantasy

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Who Lives There?

I wonder who lives there
In the flat over the common
With the window with the flowers
And the lamp and the sparkling butterfly?
What do they think when they look out
And see the world traipsing by
And watch the dogs running
And the leaves falling?

I wonder what they dream
As they gaze across to the river
With the longboats with the chimneys
And the swans and the enigmatic names?
Who do they pine for as they look out
And marvel at the ever changing sky
And sense the moods shifting
And the light fading?

I wonder if they see me
Walking past along the path
With my jacket with the colours
And my hat and my crazy imaginings?
Do they ever notice when I look up
And reach inside their cosy world
And touch them with curiosity
And a strange longing?

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


The Bookshop

I waited
I was there
Searching the faces
There in the bookshop
But she did not come today
I know because I looked for her
Expecting to recognise her
Any moment to find her
But it was not to be
Maybe next time
But not today
Not today

I wonder
Could it be
She was waylaid –
Missed the train or bus
Bumped into an old friend
Went back to check on the stove
Was she running a little late
Did she arrive after I left
I guess it could happen
So maybe next week
Just not today
Not today

I wonder
If she waited too
If she looked for me
And thought I didn’t come
That I somehow got the date wrong
Did she sigh over her latte and books
And search among mystery faces
Wishing Neruda’s poetry to life
Until the realisation dawned
That time is out of sync
And it’s not today
It’s not today

We met
Just the once
And now I wonder
If she even remembers the time
The night she visited in my dream
The way we saw each other and knew
Knew that we had come home
And I woke with an aching
With a deep sad longing
To find her once again
So why not today?
Why not today?

Of course
I will return
And I will wait
And I will keep looking
Among the pages and words
Searching for her beautiful face
In the bookshop of our destiny
Calling out her silent name
Imagining our meeting
Even if not today
Then very soon
If not today

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


I Still Believe In Us

I still believe in us
Not in what we were
But what we are
Not in what we could have been
But what we can be

I still believe in us
Not in fanciful dreams
But tough reality
Not in promises of ever after
But here and now

I still believe in us
Not in discarding the past
But remembering it clearly
Not in guessing the future
But creating it daily

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Far Away

While we’re apart – each night and day –
Just close your eyes and softly say:
“There’s no such place as far away”

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Darkness and Light

When the sun set on my blazing love
And my sky was awash with blood
You were the first star on the horizon
You were the sliver moon of dim hope

When the dark snuffed out my tiny flame
And my world was plunged into black
You were the faint glow of the Milky Way
You were the luminescent moon of waxing faith

And when the night ends as it surely must
And my life is reborn to the day
You will be the warm rays of the new dawn
You will be the bright light of love’s zenith

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Golden Thread

Hanging by a golden thread
Between the living and the dead
Between beginning and the end
Between a soul mate and a friend

Choosing not to sever ties
In the midst of near goodbyes
In the midst of stepping back
In the midst of changing track

Weaving strands into a rope
Across the gulf of damaged hope
Across the stream of misled fears
Across the space of future years

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Feather Signs

The sign of a feather
Reveals when, not whether
We will be together
Through all kinds of weather
In worlds here and nether
In soul love forever

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



I came to this place, alone and confused
My true love shattered, my trust abused

Dream catchers and dragonflies
Bird feathers and butterflies

I came to this place, bruised and bleeding
And was welcomed into a home of healing

Bright crystals and pixie folk
Aroma candles and incense smoke

I came to this place, and found respite
A sister’s care, a nephew’s delight

Forest walks and playful hours
Lush green plants and cheerful flowers

I came to this place, exiled refugee
And discovered here a sanctuary

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
