Stone In My Shoe

You’re the surf in my tide
The thorn in my side
The buoy when I sink
And the spike in my drink

You’re the pearl in my clam
The flaw in my plan
The lift in my wings
And the knot in my strings

You’re the fire in my flue
The stone in my shoe
The knife in my back
And the gold in my sack

You’re the hole in my pale
The wind in my sail
The crease in my frown
And the jewel in my crown

You’re the storm in my sky
The glint in my eye
The end of my rest
And the grail of my quest.

Wayne Visser © 2007


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Is it just me …
Or does life get simpler
And love more complicated
The longer you live
And the more you love …
Or is it just me?

Or maybe …
It isn’t life that gets simpler
But the simple things in life
That turn out to be more important
And that make life more worthwhile …
Just maybe?

And perhaps …
It isn’t love that gets complicated
But me who has become more complex
Who is now more interesting
And who is more difficult …
Just perhaps?

Is it just me …
Or does love get deeper
And life more superficial
The longer you love and
And the more you live …
Or is it just me?

Wayne Visser © 2007


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Time Takes Its Toll

Time takes its toll …

On dancing feet that start to plod
And willing hands that turn to clod
On sparkling eyes that dull from tears
And sprightly smiles that fade from years

Time takes it toll …

When ahead is less than behind
Yet somehow still takes longer
When living is littered with dying
Yet gives no good reasons why
When memories we cherish fade
Yet those that hurt most remain

Time takes its toll …

On flying dreams that crash and burn
And broken hearts that live and learn
On naive trust that’s bruised and maimed
And primal hope that’s caged and tamed

Time takes its toll …

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The questions in the wheel-trap of my mind
Spin round and round like echoes without sound
The time-cogs of my memories slowly grind
Churning and yearning and re-treading ground

How could she do it? I have to know why
After all those years, to cheat and then lie
How could she do it? I thought that she cared
To show no respect, for all that we shared

The questions in the wheel-trap of my mind
Revolve like cycles in a vicious loop
The mantras that repeat, ensnare and bind
Will keep me jumping through the fiery hoop

How can I do it? I want to break free
From chains of anger that still shackle me
How can I do it? To now be a friend
For with no respect, it must surely end

The questions in the wheel-trap of my mind
Are riddles made to torture, tease and taunt
The answers are a key I’ll never find
For phantoms always hover, hex and haunt.

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Though You Are Gone

Though you are gone
There still always
Will be:

An ache where once there was a glow
A pulse where once there was a beat
A sigh where once there was a kiss
A smile where once there was a laugh

My life moves on
But there always
Will be:

A spark where once there was a fire
A drop where once there was a storm
A blade where once there was a field
A grain where once there was a beach

I won’t look back
But there always
Will be:

A word where once there was a poem
A note where once there was a song
A frame where once there was a scene
A flash where once there was a muse

My life is full
But there always
Will be:

A cloud where once there was a sky
A plume where once there was a bird
A ray where once there was a sun
A beam where once there was a moon

I look ahead
But there always
Will be:

A strand where once there was a rope
A stone where once there was a bridge
A tick where once there was a time
A spot where once there was a place

My life has changed
But there always
Will be:

A hush where once there was a sound
A thought where once there was a tale
A wisp where once there was a dream
A hope where once there a love

For you are gone
And yet remain
With me.

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Lived Life True

What wise words can I give to you young one
As your precious life is scarcely begun?
Most of life’s maxims you’ll learn as you go
But still there are things I think you should know:

You’ll love and be loved and so you will thrive
You’ll hurt and be hurt and still you’ll survive
You’ll find and be found along your own track
You’ll lose and be lost and make your way back

You’ll look for answers and live your questions
You’ll search for reasons and find your lessons
You’ll cling to beliefs and learn to let go
You’ll strive for freedom and reap what you sow

You’ll have your hardships and fair share of pain
You’ll earn your triumphs and squander your gain
You’ll be downhearted and inspired to heights
You’ll walk on the earth and dream of great flights

These few words of mine may not be all wise
But still they may help sort the truth from lies
So when you look back and your days are through
You’ll have no regrets for you lived life true.

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



My life’s encircled by my friends
A cherished ring that never ends

Some I’ve loved and others died
Some I’ve hurt and others lied
Some I’d take back if I could
Some I know are lost for good

It’s friends that help me make it through
Those times I’m feeling sad and blue
And friends who share my happiness
When life’s all joy and sunshine bliss

Many I have left behind
Many more I’ve still to find
Each one makes a choice to stay
Or they choose to walk away

It’s friends that leave their special mark
Like candles burning in the dark
And friends who when we are apart
Are flames that burn within my heart

Some are old and ever dear
Some are far yet always near
Some are memories of the past
Some I hope will always last

The wheel of life never ends
And at its hub are my dear friends.

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Sleepless Nights

For tortured days and sleepless nights
For darkened ways and faded lights
For bitter thoughts and acid rage
For words of blood scrawled on the page
For snuffing out the will to work
For demons that forever lurk
For all these things, I must be frank:
It’s you and you alone I thank.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Deep Thoughts

Deep thoughts and shallow fears
Begin with frowns and end in tears
Crushed hopes and shattered dreams
Destroy our faith in destinies

Deep thoughts and shallow needs
Souls that ache and hearts that bleed
Failed flight and poisoned past
Break promises meant to last

Deep thoughts and shallow rhymes
Recall the joy of magic times
Freedom’s gain is truth’s cost
But what is found if love is lost?

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Spinning tops and turning wheels
Twirling dance and rhythmic reels
Churning waves and moon-spun tides
Whirling pools and dizzy rides

Rotor blades and tumble planes
Tempest moods and hurricanes
Magnet fields and milkshakes whirred
Spiral worlds and coffee stirred

Twisting rope and sunken wells
Cycle lives and woven spells
Swirling clouds and circle flight
Vortex love and spirits light.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
