
By the dream, I’m enchanted
By the fantasy, enticed
Who needs feet firmly planted
When the sky’s laced with spice?

And yet what if we wake up
And find our passion tree bare
With just words left to rake up
Of what was budding and rare?

And yet we must take this chance
And walk the bridge of meeting
For only then can we dance
And feel each other breathing

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Sky Dream

A moon beam to brush your cheek
A star burst to lift your eyes
A sun ray to touch your lips
A bird song to greet your rise

A wind gust to clear your head
A cloud wisp to thread your sighs
A rain drop to quench your heart
A snow flake to soothe your cries

A rose bud to kiss your nose
A tree top to bless your highs
A duck pond to cast your wish
A sky dream to loose your ties

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



You’ve given me the gift of golden wings
The endless sphere of blue imaginings
The chance to rise above the silver clouds
The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds

Don’t fly too high
Don’t rise too fast
Don’t tease the sky
Don’t taunt the past

You’ve given me the hope of warmer days
The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays
The breeze to fan passion’s spark to a fire
The slow burning coals of glowing desire

Don’t get too near
Don’t burn too hot
Don’t play with fear
Don’t tempt your lot

You’ve given me the seed of unborn dreams
The fairy tale of “once upon a time”
The wish to ride bare back on white moon beams
The spell to enchant beauty’s hidden rhyme

Wayne Visser © 2017


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Land of the Sun

A Tribute to South Africa

I’ll never give up
On this land of the sun
Where the people are many
And the spirit is one

There’s a battle that’s raging
Of the dark and the light
Which side are you choosing?
Will you stand up and fight?

I’ll never turn back
On this place of the bow
Where the long walk to freedom
Has a long way to go

There’s a new revolution
Of what’s wrong and what’s right
Will you question the leaders?
Will you root out the blight?

I’ll never let go
Of this home of the wild
Where the beasts roam the plains
And the hope’s in a child

There’s a struggle unended
Of the days and the nights
Will you be strong together?
Will you rise to great heights?

I’ll never give up
On this cradle of life
Where the problems are many
And the future shines bright

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Africa Untamed

Africa is wild:
A land untamed
A people unshamed
A life unrestrained
Yet there are those who would tame Africa
Who would break her unbridled spirit
Who would cage her soaring mind
Who would chain her flexing body

Rest assured:
They will fail
Like so many before them
And so many yet to come
For Africa is a savage hunter
Forever hungry for the next kill
Always preying on her weakest
Stained red in tooth and claw

Africa is free:
A land unyoked
A people uncloaked
A life unrevoked
Yet there are those who would prune Africa
Who would neaten her untidy people
Who would lop off her thorny tribes
Who would fortify her porous borders

Be assured:
They will fail
Like countless before them
And countless yet to come
For Africa is a sprawling jungle
Entangled with human tendrils
Locked in a deadly struggle for life
All competing for a place in the sun

Africa is changing:
A land evolving
A people resolving
A life revolving
Yet there are those who would calm Africa
Who would tranquillise her young agitators
Who would defuse her creative tensions
Who would dampen down her wild passions

Remain assured:
They will fail
Like generations before them
And generations yet to come
For Africa is a raging tempest
Howling with dreams and desires
Thundering with anger and pain
Flashing with imagination and inspiration

Africa may be many things –
Wild and free and changing –
But there is one thing Africa is not:
Africa is not for taming

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



A single seed, on fertile ground
That’s how it all got started
A single seed, nothing profound
No heroes crowned or martyred

The revolution will not come
From barren speeches made on high
The battle will be fought and won
In ghetto streets and fields gone dry

Soon, from this ravaged land will rise
A homestead built on ruins of war
As children celebrate the prize
Of peace that lets their spirit soar

A single seed, that sets down roots
And dreams of swirling colours bright
A single seed, that sends out shoots
And bursts into a world of light

The rising up will not be planned
By men in suits and greasy palms
The sign will flash from hand to hand
On factory floors and peasant farms

Soon, learning and empowering
Will break the chains of slavery
The men will dance and women sing
An end to jails of poverty

One seed becomes a million scattered
Far and wide across the sands
And like a million raindrops splattered
Dust will change to verdant lands

The waking up will not be quiet
As drums beat loud with new decree
The dawning is a glorious riot
Of people marching to be free

Soon, from this cradle, bells will ring
To spread glad tidings round the earth
A brand new story will begin:
This renaissance – a second birth

Wayne Visser © 2017


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Gathering the Past

A Tribute to the Khoi-Khoi of South Africa

I. Spectre Song

Recall the ghosts
Of GuriQua
Who walked the coasts
Of Helena

Recall the day
Of CochoQua
Who found the bay
Of Saldanha

Recall the place
Of Khoi-Khoi past
With faded face
In shadows cast

Recall the name
Of Adam Kok
And what remains
Of Baster stock

Recall the sound
Of clicking tongue
Whose notes abound
In songs still sung

II. Rich Harvest

Tamer of beasts
Patron of feasts
Guardian of earth
Giver of birth

Tender of sheep
Sower who reaps
Herder of cattle
Farmer who battles

Wearer of thongs
Dancer of songs
Tribes who find-seek
Clans who click-speak

Hunter of roots
Bearer of fruits
Master of whale-traps
Reader of wind-maps

People of chiefs
Reaper of sheafs
Makers of law
Harvest no more

III. Melting Pot

From dry salt lakes
To southwest sands
Their dust-path snakes
Through time-baked lands

They were the first
Pastoralists found
With seed dispersed
On nurturing ground

Left in their wake
Cape beaches are strewn
With clay-moulded shapes
And tools from iron hewn

Cut with the scythe
Of settlers’ disease
Fate’s bitter tithe
Still haunts the sea-breeze

Those who survive
Reconcile their lot
To mix and thrive
In the melting pot

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


African Pilgrimage

I have walked the long trail of history
And arrived at this day: triumphant!
I have worn the dead yoke of oppression
And arrived at this day: free at last!

I hear the rhythm of drums –
Will you join me in my celebration of life?
I see the colours of change –
Will you join me in my vision of hope?

I have sung the ancient song of the stars
And arrived at this time: awestruck!
I have heard the wild call of creation
And arrived at this time: expectant!

I taste the salt-sweet of justice –
Will you join me in my banquet of faith?
I feel the fire of belonging –
Will you join me in my village of love?

I have tracked the fresh footprints of nature
And arrived at this place: one life!
We are joined by the sacred web of our ancestors
And arrive at this place: one tribe!

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Child of Africa

I am a child of Africa –
Young and wild and free
I play on streets of sunny hope
And feed on dusty dreams
I am a child of Africa –
Young and bold and bright
I think a million sparkling thoughts
And wish on shooting stars

I do not want your pity
For I am not a helpless pup
I do not want your charity
For I will thrive at first chance
I do not want your mistrust
For being young is not a crime
I do not want your prejudice
For that is your prison not mine

You will know me
Not by the colour of my skin
But by the spectrum of my ideas
For I am Africa’s child
You will know me
Not by the name of my tribe
But by the poetry of my ideals
For I am Africa’s child

I may look young
But I am older than you
For I was born at the beginning of time
I may look weak
But I am stronger than you
For I was weaned on the milk of the sun
I may look simple
But I am smarter than you
For I was schooled at the knee of wise elders

You will know me
Not by the poverty of my means
But by the wealth of my ends
For I am Africa’s child
You will know me
Not by the shadows of my past
But by the brilliance of my future
For I am Africa’s child

I do not want your visions
For I have dreams of my own
I do not want your fears
For I have monsters enough
I do not want your leftovers
For I have freshly baked needs
I do not want your playthings
For I have imagination aplenty

I am a child of Africa –
Young and shy and sweet
I smile to hide my nervous pride
And laugh with crystal joy
I am a child of Africa –
Young and hip and cool
I dance my way to destiny
And rise on wings of change

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Island of Africa

A Tribute to Madagascar

Memories of Gondwana fade
The ancient world torn apart:
As rock plates and craters
Start shifting; slow-drifting –
And outcasts and misfits
Roll Darwin’s loaded dice

Mysteries wait in forest mazes
Riddles lurk in muddled minds:
As creatures and questions
Hang suspended; half-blended –
And sky-roots and theories
Sprout upended; distended

Morning wails with jungle mails
Passed along with echoed songs:
As lemurs and pilgrims
Pay homage; seek forage –
And creepies and crawlies
Wait under wraps; bait traps

Feathered skies grace weathered eyes
Ragged roads bear jagged loads:
As farmers and traders
Nurture shoots; count loots –
And children and chickens
Peck, strut and stray; role-play

Islands calm with ylang-ylang balm
Beaches lure with palm-tree cure:
As vampires and tourists
Suck sleepers; play peepers –
And fishers and wishers
Net dinner; get thinner

Insects tease upon amber seas
Rivers snake into muddy lakes:
As cloud-dew and prayers
Flood green fields; bear yields –
And erosion and corruption
Bleed red sands; stain hands

Visions of Madagascar shine
The light of hopes refracted:
As habits and habitats
Start changing; rearranging –
And guardians and dreamers
Gaze into Attenborough’s crystal ball

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
