It’s true, our world is on the brink
A species gone each time we blink
Each one another broken link
As oceans rise and nations sink
So much is lost, so much to mourn
So high the cost, so deep the scorn
Yet something new is being born
The blackest night precedes the dawn
Our time is short, we’re in a race
We must act now, pick up the pace
The simple truth we all must face
Is nature needs to take back space
Let’s let new life reseed and grow
Let woods come back and rivers flow
Rewild the land and seas and know
That nature thrives when we let go
Wayne Visser © 2022
Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.