Masterclass: Transformational Leadership for Sustainability

Masterclass: Transformational Leadership for Sustainability

24 June 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) invites you to an exclusive masterclass with globally recognised sustainability expert Dr Wayne Visser, Transnet Chair of Sustainable Business at GIBS and Senior Associate at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Dr Visser will share the latest research, standards and cases on what makes the best sustainability leaders effective as change agents in their organisations and in society.

Masterclass benefits:

  • This session combines theory and practical case studies and after attending you will be able to:
  • Identify the characteristics of good leaders for sustainable business (traits, styles, skills/competencies and knowledge);
  • Assess what makes leaders effective change agents, and self-assess what type of change agent you are or need your organisation to employ; and
  • Understand the new ISO standards (Annex SL) and the specifications of Clause 5 on Leadership.

Who should attend?

  • Learning and development practitioners, HR directors, heads of procurement, as well as management representatives for sustainability, environment, occupational health & safety, social responsibility and quality will benefit from this masterclass.

Masterclass outline:

  • Drivers of Sustainability Leadership: Internal and external context; and the rise and fall of sustainability leaders.
  • Characteristics of Sustainability Leaders: Traits, styles, skills and knowledge; competency frameworks; and actions of sustainability leaders.
  • Sustainability Leaders as Change Agents: Change frameworks by Kotter, Visser, Ainger and Gladwell; and purpose-inspired leadership types.

Masterclass details:

  • Date: Wednesday, 24 June 2015
  • Time: 08:30 – 12:30 (a light lunch will be served after the event)
  • Venue: GIBS Campus, 26 Melville Road, Illovo, Sandton, South Africa


Please click here to confirm your attendance by 29 May 2015. For further information contact Bongiwe Ramaboea on 011 771 4161 or

Please note that there is no charge for this event. Regrettably this invitation is not transferable and seating is limited.


Training Courses

Offered by Kaleidoscope Futures & Chrysalis Family Futures

Delivered by Dr Wayne Visser (WV) & Indira Kartallozi (IK)

Courses are typically one day, but can be tailored to client needs.

Course 1: Mega-trends Shaping the Future

Economic & environmental trends – WV

  • Inclusive markets
  • Ethics & corruption
  • Energy & climate
  • Environmental

Social & human trends – IK

  • Poverty & welfare
  • Human rights
  • Migration & refugees
  • Equality & diversity

Course 2: Sustainable Enterprise & Social Entrepreneurship

Sustainable enterprise (WV)

  • Creating integrated value
  • Circular economy
  • Eco-innovation

Social entrepreneurship (IK)

  • Forms of social enterprise
  • Social entrepreneurs
  • Social innovation

Course 3: Best Practices in Social Responsibility

Economic & environmental issues (WV)

  • Organisational effectiveness
  • Consumer issues
  • Environmental issues
  • Business ethics

Social & human issues (IK)

  • Human rights
  • Labour rights
  • Community development
  • Diversity management

Course 4: Transformational Leadership in Practice

Business & political leadership (WV)

  • Theories of leadership
  • Responsible political leadership
  • Sustainable business leadership

Civic & gender leadership (IK)

  • Women in leadership
  • Community leadership
  • Migrant leadership

About the presenters

Dr Wayne Visser

wayne_faceDr Wayne Visser is Director of the think tank Kaleidoscope Futures, Founder of CSR International and Vice President of Sustainability Services for Omnex Inc. Wayne is also Chair of Sustainable Business at the Gordon Institute of Business Science in South Africa, Adjunct Professor of Sustainable Development at Deakin Business School in Australia and Senior Associate at the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership in the UK. Wayne is the author of twenty one books and has been listed as one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior. Before getting his PhD in Corporate Social Responsibility (Nottingham University, UK), Wayne was Director of Sustainability Services for KPMG and Strategy Analyst for Cap Gemini in South Africa. His work has taken him to 70 countries in the last 20 years.,

Indira Kartallozi

indira_faceIndira Kartallozi is a founder and director of Chrysalis Family Futures – a social enterprise that stands for protection and empowering of human and socio-economic rights of vulnerable and marginalised families and children. Indira has 15-year experience in advice on welfare, housing and immigration rights and her expertise ranges on issues of forced migration and human rights. Her work with Chrysalis Family Futures has taken her to various countries in Africa, Europe and Latin America. Since completing her MA in Refugee Studies and her ground breaking research on austerity and welfare reforms Indira has been invited to speak to various conferences and seminars in the UK and abroad.


For more information, or to request a quotation, please Contact Wayne.



CSR 2.0 Licensee Training – Payment

Click on Buy Now to purchase one place on the online CSR 2.0 Licensee training, delivered by Dr Wayne Visser (CSR  International, Kaleidoscope Futures) and Roberto Salazar (Hexagon Consoltores). The link will take you to a Paypal page. If you don’t have a Paypal account and wish to pay by credit card, simply click on the link “Don’t have a Paypal account?” and follow the instructions.

