All In

We took a risk and rolled the dice
We took the salty with the spice
There was a chance we’d lose or win
We took our chips and went all in

The cards we held were dealt by chance
We played without a second glance
Only to find, amidst the haze
We found a pathway through the maze

Was it just luck or something more
That led us to each other’s door?
Against the odds, or destiny?
I bet on you, you bet on me

We chose for hope and spun the wheel
We chose the wishes to make real
There was a chance we’d sink or swim
We took our love an went all in

Wayne Visser © 2021


Icarus: Favourite Love Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together love poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology traces love’s agony (“Broken Dreams”) and ecstasy (“Galaxies Cart-Wheeling”), from first blush (“Almost Strangers”) to full bloom (“Say ‘I Do!’”), as we fly to love. You’ve given me the gift of golden wings / The endless sphere of blue imaginings / The chance to rise above the silver clouds / The will to cast off untold ghostly shrouds / Don’t fly too high / Don’t rise too fast / Don’t tease the sky / Don’t taunt the past / You’ve given me the hope of warmer days / The blessed kiss of the sun’s fiery rays. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Through Your Eyes

The world is different through your eyes
The shapes and angles, the colours and spangles
All sparring and jarring, shifting and shimmering
Making up a living mosaic, a patterned portrait
With each give and take, each grip and shake
You make something unique, something wonderful
Which I peek – each time you act or speak –
I see a better, braver world, through your eyes

The world is changing through your choices
The views and voices, the stands that you take
All the paths you make, with byways and bridges
Making up a living map, a sculpted terrain
With more options to give, more chances to live
You make something renewed, something hopeful
Like a potion brewed – each time you choose –
I see a brighter, bolder world, through your choices

The world is growing through your knowing
The curious questions, the fresh discoveries
The bubbling and bursting, sizzling and thirsting
Making up a living book, a library of wisdom
With each word and idea, each step beyond fear
You make something meaningful, something that matters
With an impact that scatters, in each ripple
I see a wider, wiser world, through your knowing

Wayne Visser © 2021


Life in Transit: Favourite Travel & Tribute Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together travel and tribute poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology pays tribute to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Barack Obama, Antoni Gaudí & Leonardo da Vinci, and reflects on travels ranging from China and South Africa to Ecuador and Russia. Life is lived in the in-between / In transit / Between coming and going / Between staying and moving on / Between here and there / And what we call home / What we call settled or contented / Is merely a resting place / A station for refuelling / A nexus for reconnecting / A junction for changing direction. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Walk the Line

I walk the line
Between the river and the road
The river whispers to slow down
To breathe in the beauty
And see myself reflected
The road is too busy to notice
Too focused on the destination
And how to get there sooner

I walk the line
Between the head and the heart
The head is quick with answers
With boxes to put things in
And labels to explain
The heart is full of questions
With doors of doubt to unlock
And windows of love to open

I walk the line
Between the mountain and the sea
The mountain beckons to climb
To reach for the distant summit
And enjoy the view from the top
The sea urges to cast adrift
To go with the invisible flow
And be content in the moment

I walk the line
Between the body and the soul
The body craves for attention
For pandering to appetites
And obeying the senses
The soul yearns for meaning
For something to believe in
And a destiny to follow

I walk the line
Between the day and the night
The day is a call to action
To building stone by stone
And making my mark
The night is for seeding
For germinating in the dark
And nurturing my dreams

I walk the line
Between living and dying
Living is finding new connections
New ways of seeing the world
And adding something new
Dying is learning to let go
To appreciate more with less
And finding a place to rest

Wayne Visser © 2007


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



In life we form a complex web
Of patterns always shifting
We’re tied to every other thing
No matter that we’re drifting
We see ourselves in spangled skies
Of silver light reflected
We’re twirling in a cosmic dance
Forever we’re connected

Each day we add another thread
Of faith and hope entwining
A tapestry of weaves and knots
And love that’s redefining
We see ourselves in healing cards
And totem poles erected
We’re joining in an ancient song
That chants: we’re all connected

The river flows, the seasons sway
To moods of inner weather
With secret codes and hidden rhymes
In traces of a feather
We see ourselves in nature’s glass
With energies affected
We’re syncing global consciousness
We’ll always be connected

Wayne Visser © 2021


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Slow Time

We’re marching in slow time
In nowhere to go time
And it’s melting the clock
To a languid tick tock
The rhythm feels wrong
As time slithers and stretches
Every moment it etches
Takes ever so long

We’re dreaming in no time
In no chance to flow time
And it’s come to a stop
With a listless drip drop
The wisp of a song
Keeps time sliding and shuffling
Every heartbeat it’s muffling
Still sounds like a gong

We’re waking to show time
To ready to crow time
And it’s picking up pace
For a thrills and spills race
The final furlong
Brings time speeding and stomping
Every step takes us romping
Back where we belong.

Wayne Visser © 2021


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


A Swirling Story

Don’t ever underestimate
The power of stories small and great
For tales of fairies, kings and queens
Are echoes of our human dreams

We’d sooner dance than tick and tock
We’d rather sing than punch a clock
For we’re not made of cog and wheel
But minds that flash and hearts that feel

We’d sooner hear a myth or rhyme
We’d rather watch a film sublime
For we’re not digits writ in code
But lilting lines within an ode

The way we live, the brands we choose
Are mirrors of our inner muse
They tell us who we’d like to be
Behind our masked identity

The way we work, the things we buy
Are answers to the question why
They draw a map to hidden gold
To buried fears and wishes bold

Each battling hero on a quest
Beseeches us to do our best
Each star-crossed lover’s tender kiss
Evokes the call to find our bliss

Your life’s a yarn that you must spin
With woven plots, you lose and win
Each tale’s a spark that fuels the fire
A swirling story to inspire.

Wayne Visser © 2021


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


It’s Time

It’s time to redesign, to reconceive the world we leave
For those who follow in our wake, for each child’s sake
It’s time to spark and innovate, to syncopate with
New ideas, beyond the fears of failures past, at last
It’s time to rise, with fire burning in our eyes
And change our ways to giving, for life and for the living

It’s time to re-align, to reassess the mess we make
When what we take is more than need, is greed
It’s time to halt life’s slow decline, the heinous crime
Of ecocide, the plastic tide, the skies of smoke that choke
It’s time to heal the dying soil, to ease the workers’ toil
And make new waves of daring, with love and with great caring

It’s time to redefine, to resurrect the hope that springs
With wings of acting boldly now, with minds that beam
It’s time to dream of futures green, to reinvent our fate
To help the Earth regenerate, where waste is food, renewed
It’s time to turn from death, to take a breath, start afresh
And make a mighty pivot, for life and all who live it.

Wayne Visser © 2021


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


In the Margins

When the story of my life is writ
All the chapters set, the headings bold
You may miss the most important bit
For it’s in the margins life is told

You may spot the notes in spidery hand
Crammed in next to work and daily grind
All the treasures of events unplanned
And creative doodles of the mind

They may not connect to life’s main plot
Or the tidy order on display
They may be the things that time forgot
Or the flash of colour in the grey

The main narrative may well be true
But it misses chaos, love and flair
It may chart the course on which I flew
Yet say nothing of my soul’s great dare

All the times I detoured and got lost
Or indulged in poetry and art
When I gave and did not count the cost
Or glimpsed the whole beyond the parts

When the story of my life is told
When the scribbling pen has come to rest
Just remember, as the tale unfolds
It’s in the margins that I lived the best.

Wayne Visser © 2021


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Because I Care

When I strike on the streets in mass protest
And warn you to change or beware
It’s not because I’m foolhardy –
It’s because I care
When I brood in the quagmire of worry
And greet your bright smile with a stare
It’s not because I’m unhappy –
It’s because I care

I care that the forests are burning
That the storms are grey prophets of gloom
I care that the children are yearning
For a future where nature can bloom

When I speak with the words of the voiceless
And lay my stark message out bare
It’s not because I’m emotive –
It’s because I care
When I spark with the flames of great passion
And hope that you’ll take up my dare
It’s not because I’m hot-headed –
It’s because I care

I care that the homeless are growing
That the poor cannot flee from their pains
I care that the blood is still flowing
That the slaves are not free from their chains

When I strive for a future that’s better
And look for a purpose to share
It’s not because I’m a hippie –
It’s because I care
When I burst with ideas for solutions
And tackle tough problems with flair
It’s not because I’m creative –
It’s because I care

I care that the animals suffer
That the farms are like factories of doom
I care that survival gets tougher
That the sixth mass extinction now looms

When I call for bold action on climate
And demand that you clean up the air
It’s not because I’m dramatic –
It’s because I care
When I speak of the need for more justice
And implore you to do what is fair
It’s not because I’m a dreamer –
It’s because I care

I care that all black lives should matter
That the scourge of race-hatred remains
I care that the women get battered
That they still have to fight for their gains

When I wish for rewilding of nature
And the right to protect life so rare
It’s not because I’m a “greenie” –
It’s because I care
When I join in the movement for changes
It’s not my intention to scare
It’s just me shaping our future –
It’s because I care.

Wayne Visser © 2021


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The news is good (have you not heard?)
For every insect, beast and bird
The Great Extinction’s turning ’round
The seeds of change found fertile ground

The barren fields are set to bloom
The rivers sparkling crystal clear
New forests rise up from the gloom
The wild calls out for all to hear

The colour’s back in coral reefs
We heed the words of tribal chiefs
The farms are making healthy soil
The sun and wind’s replacing oil

The news is good (don’t you agree?)
Nature’s back, it’s not too late
Across the land, the air and sea
We let the Earth regenerate.

Wayne Visser © 2020


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
