This Is My Life

This is my life –

Like whispers in the trees
And swirling gusts of leaves
Like signal waves across the miles
And faces splashed with wistful smiles

Like flowers in the snow
And mushroom thoughts that grow
Like cosmic dust in empty space
And strangers gone without a trace

Like flotsam on the seas
And feathers on the breeze
Like scattered seeds on memory fields
And rainbow beads on battle shields

Like inkblots on the page
And birdsongs in a cage
Like reaching out into the void
And random acts of love enjoyed

– My life is this.

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Swirling with stars and galaxies
Pulsing with planets and nebulae
Asking questions without answers
Chasing beginnings without end
Echoing the distant song of creation

Sacred stories of our birth
Prophets’ warnings of our death
Ancient myths of the heavens
Chartered maps of the skies
Eternally we quest for our place

Scattered light in the darkness
Puny warmth in the deep cold
Above and beyond yet also within
Calling us to stretch and explore
Explaining everything and nothing

Spawning the fiction of science
Playing with the props of matter
Acting on the stage of time
Casting the gods of destiny
Encore! for the cosmic drama

Sparkling with secrets and fantasies
Pregnant with the possibilities of life
Always there, yet never quite in reach
Creation swirls with order and chaos
Expressing our resonant inner worlds.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Names are tangled pathways to meaning
And secret tunnels to hidden treasure
Names are skeleton keys to sacred symbols
And enigmatic codes to scrambled messages

Names connect together
And affirm uniqueness
Names resonate with power
And quiver with subtlety
Names build bridges
And break down walls

Names are echoing voices of the past
And shimmering visions of the future
Names are the silky touch of the now
And the delicate breath of all eternity.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



I am invisible, hidden, unseen
No one knows where I am, or where I’ve been
These moments pass by, alone, unshared
Nobody was there, nobody that cared

The fire of sunset, the swirl of cloudscapes
The swan on the river – the ripples it makes
The dance of lightening, the song of thunder
Alone I wander, alone I wonder

All this great beauty, the pain deep inside
With no one to tell, it’s easy to hide
This they call freedom, living the dream
I am invisible, phantom, unseen

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Where is heaven?
Is it some place far
Or is it close
To where we are?

Religion cast
A seductive spell –
Go to heaven
Or straight to hell

But is heaven
A place in the sky
Or a fledgling soul
Learning to fly?

Heaven can be
A place on this earth
And so can hell
If we give it birth

Could heaven be
A state of mind
A way of being
For us all to find?

It is our right
To question why
But if we’re wrong
I guess we’ll fry

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Wrapped in Words

wrapped in words
and tied with rhyme
yet throughout space
not bound by time
enigmas fly

arched in rays
fade-marked with bows
resplendent land
in darkness glows
casts shadows on
archaic hope

masked in myth
encoded spells
reveal the quest –
lost legends live
in magic shells
narratives weave

– linked in light

twinned in tone
and making whole
opposites swirl

veiled in voice
in thought and deed
so hidden names
survive in seed
eternal words
recreate life

(acrostic poem)

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



I believe in angels
But I don’t think they have wings
I know that they are near
By the way my spirit sings

I believe in angels
But I doubt that they have halos
I know that they are wise
By the way their caring shows

I believe in angels
But I do not hear their hymns
I know that they are true
By the joy their presence brings

I believe in angels
But without the flowing robes
I know that they are here
By the light which shines and grows

I believe in angels
But not from realms of heaven
I know that they are close
By the loving that is leaven

I believe in angels
Some walk right by our side
Some dwell in planes unseen
And serve as spirit guides

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Looking proud and standing tall
With twinkling eye and gleaming smile
Your charming face, sure to beguile

With tricks of light, you play your game
First you flatter, then you maim
A cruel master, seldom friend
Teasing, taunting, without end

Are you villain, evil glass?
A horror prop, or tragic farce?
Am I enslaved, or am I vain?
Will your spell drive me insane?

All alone, yet you conspire
With images of love’s desire
Selling beauty, buying souls
Feeding fears and eating holes

You never lie, but miss the truth
By scorning age and praising youth
Catching beams, reflecting forms
Judging on distorted norms

Yet what you show is only part
Of who I am, it’s just the start
The best of me is what you hide
It’s all the beauty that’s inside

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
I hear your voice and heed your call
The one you show is my true friend
You are the means, I am the end

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Lost and Found

When I’m lost for words, I find my true voice
For silence is borne with the wisdom of choice
By finding my heart, I’m losing my head
For feelings are tangles of words best unsaid

When I’ve found myself, I lose my disguise
For freedom is built on the absence of lies
By losing my love, I’m finding my friends
For trusting begins when the certainty ends

When I’m lost in dreams, I find inner sight
For vision is masked by the spectrum of light
By finding my words, I’m losing my goal
For beauty is writ in the language of soul

When I’ve found my feet, I lose my desire
For purpose is fuelled by the passion of fire
By losing my way, I’m finding my path
For meaning is hid in the labyrinth’s hearth

Wayne Visser © 2006


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



midst techno-bustle
& market hustle
with email flurry
& retail hurry
brevity rules
among literary fools

memos whirl
& post-its swirl
msgs scuttle
& txts shuttle
by the letter
shorter’s better

chatroom speaks
4 cyber-freaks
dumbing down
england’s crown
with smiley faces
exchanging places

xtra time’s
the modern crime
while humans race
thru’ cluttered space
but life’s too short
to just abort

subtle rhyme
& words sublime
find your voice
& make your choice:
to create
or to abbr.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
