
Countless clocks count down …
Trapped in a time tied Hall of Mirrors,
We synchronise our beliefs
And accept the reality reflected

That a pointless point in time
On a superficial scale of history
Marks a new millennium
For all the people of the planet

Yet not so for the African Animist
The Judaist, or the Muslim
Neither followers of Confucius
The Buddha or Lao Tzu

Only those in religions self-absorbed –
Christian? Conservative? Corporate?
Only their narrow minds
By 2000 are spellbound.

Wayne Visser © 1999


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The lure of nought, of nothing, of null –
To turn doomsayers’ superstitions into self-fulfilling prophecies
To give fuel to fear and ego a bolder voice
To wage our wasteful wars on tiny turfs
To lose our self in the void

The power of circle, of cycle, of whole –
To mark endings in transition to new beginnings
To give life to hope and love another chance
To paint our dreams on a larger canvas
To find our place in eternity.

Wayne Visser © 1999


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Presence within me
I’m a seeker of your face
But as I turn my eyes inward
My thoughts and mind just seem to race

Still my mind, help me to focus
Still my mind, set me free
From the whirlwind that’s inside of me
Oh, hear me, Presence within.

Wayne Visser © 1990


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Ever been amidst a crowd
And felt you were alone?
Or sensed somehow you were a stranger
Trying to get home?

Ever seemed you were an actor
Live upon the stage?
That all of life was but a drama
Words upon a page?

Ever stood aside yourself
And somehow had to smile?
For the one you were and the one you saw
Were strangers for a while?

Ever had the strangest feeling
Life was but a dream?
That any moment you would wake
To a wider reality?

If ever you have and thought it strange
Think it strange no more
Truth doth oft’ disguise itself
In the hope that we’ll explore.

Wayne Visser © 1988


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The darkness comes, I close my eyes
Unknown void before me lies
Slowly it will crystallise
And take upon a dream disguise
Live the dream for soon it dies
Now awake, now open eyes
Awake once more and realise
Life’s a dream, before we rise.

Wayne Visser © 1988


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Wheel of Life

Wheel of life ever turning
Onward inward listening learning
Slowly quickly even pace
Backwards forwards face to face
Building up breaking down
Constant motion round and round
Circles cycles ebbs and flows
Ups and downs highs and lows
Beginnings endings old and new
Stop and think reflect review
Wheel of life ever turning
Onward inward listening learning.

Wayne Visser © 1989


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



May you always
Walk on the path of wisdom
Pluck the flower of healing
Dwell in the forest of meditation
And fly on the wings of love

For wisdom comes from walking
Healing is the blossoming of spirit
Meditation is unity with creation
And love cannot help but soar.

Wayne Visser © 2005


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


The High Wire

Can we dismantle a fortress from within?
Can we pour new essence into old wine-skins?
At what point do our ideals become hollow and self-serving?
When we don’t sacrifice our comforts, are we deserving?

Some days I feel like an act on the circus high wire
Counter-balancing common sense actions and irrational desires
I hear the echoes from my adolescence to inspire:
“Constantly risking absurdity” and “a hundred snowy horses unconfined”

I remind myself that I must walk amidst the profanities
Of this world, but not be defined by them

I convince myself that I must honour responsibilities
Of daily life, but not be confined by them.

Wayne Visser © 1998


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


All Seems

All seems to spin
Now I lose, now I win
Now I’m sure, now I doubt
No way in, no way out

All seems to turn
Now I feel my insides churn
I feel no peace, I find no rest
Now my worst, now my best

All seems to drift
Now so close, now a rift
Now say yes, now say no
Nowhere to turn, nowhere to go

All seems to fade
Fleeting shadows, cloak of shade
Without within, this world of dreams
Life is never what it seems.

Wayne Visser © 1988


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



The pen, poised over a virgin page
The brush, held before a ghostly stage
The story of time scratched upon an age
The portrait of form framed within a cage

Without committing
All futures are possible
Before submitting
All bridges are crossable
No mountain too steep
No canyon too deep
No target to shoot for unmissable

The diver, toe-clinging to her board
The sailor, on his boat, harbour-moored
The lancer, slow, unsheathing her sword
The merchant, slick, conjuring his hoard

Without committing
No masterpiece can exist
Without submitting
No legacy can persist
No creations are designed
No revelations untwined
No love story starts with a kiss

We straddle the dream and the real
We join up the hub and the wheel
We spark the big bang in the nothingness
We play the sleight hand of our bluffingness

Each second that we move to choice
A silent world is given voice
Each moment that we choose to act
A crazy wish becomes a fact.

Wayne Visser © 2012


String, Donuts, Bubbles and Me: Favourite Philosophical Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together philosophical poems by Wayne Visser. In this anthology, he muses on subjects ranging from space, angels and destiny to time, science and meaning in life. According to scientists / The world’s made of string / That buzzes and fuzzes / Or some such strange thing / It’s also a donut / That curls round a hole / With middles and riddles / Just like a fish bowl / And there’s no mistaking / It’s more than 3-D / With twenty or plenty / Dimensions unseen / Still others insist / It’s really a bubble / That’s popping and bopping / Through the lenses of Hubble. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
