Witness to a Kill

I’m witness to a massacre –
Unwitting and unknowing –
Upon my tiny balcony
Where fledgling life was growing.

A pigeon chose our shielded nook
To make her nest and lay her eggs;
Two squawking chicks had soon appeared,
All skin and spikes, all beaks and legs.

Our proud new mum was diligent
As back and forth she fussed and flew;
She fed them well, they sprouted wings,
Their motley feathers grew.

We used to wake and listen to
Their urgent, hungry cries;
Who knew that tragedy would strike
And leave us heaving saddened sighs?

It happened on a lunchtime break:
I ventured out to take a look,
And as I stepped out on the ledge
I frightened off a jet-black rook.

I froze and gazed in disbelief
At feathers scattered all around;
Yet still I hoped that I was wrong,
Until I saw blood on the ground.

The two grey chicks were ripped to shreds,
Just guts and gore were left to show;
Their carcasses were hollowed out,
Their brave new wings had grown too slow.

Right in that moment, raged welled up –
A bitter bile of blackbird hate;
All I could think in my distress
Was that I’d come too late … too late.

I cleared the scene as best I could –
Put carnage into plastic bags;
It felt undignified as they
Went in the bin like shredded rags.

Later that day, the mum returned –
I watched to see what she would do;
She looked … and looked … it broke my heart –
It’s like she knew, I’m sure she knew.

The rook has come back several times;
I do not harbour ill will still,
For Nature’s kind and Nature’s cruel
And I – a witness to a kill.

Wayne Visser © 2011


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


When the Lilies Bloom

Our Mother Earth, with flaming fever
Our Father Sky, with floods of tears
Our Brother Sun, in smoke enshrouded
Our Sister Moon, toils with the tides

The fiery dawn sees its reflection
The searing noontime is ablaze
The bleeding dusk is cut with torrents
The midnight feels the waters rise

Men and women dress for battle
Armed with bucket, barrow, hose
Young and aged grasp at safety
Cling to photos, memories, toys

War cries echo ‘cross the besieged land
Amidst the roar and smoke and grime
Some are taken hostage, prisoner
On island rooftops, in fiery cells

The choked skies, the drenched horizon
Pulse and throb with rotor-winged birds
Who quench the flames and throw a lifeline
Like glistening angels of mercy hovering

At last, the firestorm exhausts its fury
The smoky veil in the heavens is rent
At last, the tempest lashes its last blow
The dark cloud cloak is cast aside

From the scattered ashes, so bleak, so desolate
Bright green buds, like a Phoenix, burst forth
From the silted plains, so washed out and forlorn
Brave new buildings, like flowers will rise

From glories of summer, to tragedies of autumn
Many leaves fallen, many lives lost
With winter, lamenting and struggles for survival
With spring, healing and a new lease of life

As with the rainbow, an ancient covenant divine
This time of renewal and rebirth will come
The promise radiates from the ashes and mud
This sacred moment, when the lilies bloom

Wayne Visser © 2000


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Trooping the Colour

There’s a hidden army on the rise
A covert operation, underground
And listen as you might for frosty sighs
They plot their takeover without a sound

But see that splash of colour through the trees?
That’s the purple coat of an advance scout
And see that swish of motion in the breeze?
That’s a bright helmet of gold sticking out

You may not hear the drum of marching boots
Or see the glory flags of tomorrow
But mark where bright sentinels put down roots
For there, iridescent troops will follow

Wayne Visser © 2008


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


I Am Ocean

i am ocean
i am wave
i am current
i am tide

i am vapour
i am cloud
i am droplet
i am rain

i am puddle
i am pool
i am lagoon
i am lake

i am river
i am flood
i am rapid
i am falls

i am motion
i am still
i am cycle
i am flow

i am essence
i am source
i am vital
i am life

Wayne Visser © 2006


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Little Flower

Gorgeous little flower
From far off distant shores
Caught in your finest hour
You bloom each time I pause

You shine in all you glory
With petals spring unfurled
And hid inside this story
You travel round the world

Pressed between these pages
I see your smiling face
Your beauty through the ages
Helps me to mark my place

Wayne Visser © 2005


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Garden of Hope

I remember so clearly the barren crater
Gouged from the ground in our yard
Dusty with sand and jagged with rubble
A porta-pool grave of plastic and wire

Who had the foresight, the vision, the faith
To see in its midst, the garden?
Who had the hope, the courage in life
To dream of flowers and streams?

The reality was bleak in its manifest form
Yet the future was for the creating
And today is a testimony to the triumphant seed
Of imagination nurtured by labour

For the hole has been covered and moulded and planted
And bursts forth with a colourful blaze
The water, once sterile, now flows to a pond
Where family gathers and darting fish play

This is the star in the darkness of night
The jewel in the mountain of rock
This is my glade of peace and tranquillity
My inspiration – my garden of hope

Wayne Visser © 1998


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Rising from your winter sleep
Stretching leafy limbs of green
Yawning yellow wisps of dream

From behind frozen curtains peep
Waving in the bracing breeze
Nodding at the naked trees

Whispering secrets that you keep
Teasing out the timid sun
Promising that spring is come

Wayne Visser © 2003


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


My Spring

My boots are thud, thud, thudding
Like a beat upon the street
While blooms are bud, bud, budding
On the trees still without leaves

My heart is beat, beat, beating
Without rest within my chest
While birds are tweet, tweet, tweeting
On the ledges and in hedges

My Spring is come, come, coming
Soon her song will sing along
With days of sun, sun, sunning
On the rise across my skies

Wayne Visser © 2006


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Sunrise scatters rays of dawn
Until the seeds take root and spawn
New chances to create and thrive
Reviving calls to seek and strive
Inscribed upon the code of life
Survival skills of care and strife
Evoked as darkness turns to light

Wayne Visser © 2014


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Sky of mauve
Clouds alight
Pink and peach
Pure delight!

Wayne Visser © 2007


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
